27 June 2016

New Zealand's Relative Size Part 2

Here's another interesting comparison from thetruesize.com - New Zealand and South Africa at the same scale:

South Africa is over four times the land area and nearly twelve times the population of New Zealand, yet it occupies just the southern tip of this huge continent.

New Zealand's Relative Size Part 1

As the UK looks to unhitch itself from the European Union, here is an interesting to-scale comparison of the size of NZ versus the UK and Ireland from thetruesize.com

New Zealand's Chatham Islands (east of Christchurch) are slightly larger than the Isle of Man (UK) but are about 680km from the mainland, or a little further than the distance between England and Switzerland.

The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of NZ is approx 4.1 million km2, about five times bigger than the UK's, and we have the largest ocean in the world at our doorstep.

NZ Exclusive Economic Zone (NIWA)
UK Exclusive Economic Zone (Wikipedia)

The Royal New Zealand Navy has two offshore patrol vessels and four inshore patrol vessels to cover its entire EEZ against the likes of illegal fishing, drug smugglers and biosecurity threats.

In June smugglers were caught landing half a tonne of meth on remote Ninety Mile Beach at the northern tip of New Zealand - seemingly by keen eyed locals.

Thankfully we have not yet had to deal with the moral angst and the human carnage of people smuggling and refugee boats (yet).

25 June 2016

What's wrong with this sign?

Or, more to the point, what's wrong with our relationship with cars?

Auckland Transport's Downtown Car Park
The message here is clear - pedestrians need to watch out, cars have right of way.  Which makes sense right?  It's a car park - you shouldn't be jaywalking down the ramps when there are perfectly good stairs available.  Albeit a little less convenient maybe, or maybe you just haven't noticed them and are walking where it feels natural to, in order to get where you are going to.  So watch out!  You're in the way!  Don't blame us if you get run over.

This is pretty much the generally accepted rule in New Zealand.  If it is a place for cars: car parks, the street you live on, the local shops; you had better watch out - scuttle across that pedestrian crossing, that's a car!  It has important places to go!

Sign reads: 'Caution Motorists Have Right of Way' - Takapuna Beach shopping area (Google Streetview
As a recent arrival to the UK, I was astonished that pedestrians merely had to hint that they wanted to cross a road or negotiate a car park and traffic would immediately stop to give way, regardless of what the rules actually said.  As it turns out, the Highway Code is not far different from ours, but people seem to interpret it in a very different way.

From the UK Highway Code
Others have reported similar attitudes in the USA, Europe and even our neighbour Australia.

But here in New Zealand the culture is still firmly that the car is king, and will remain so as long as councils and transport agencies keep putting up signs reminding us of the fact.  

24 June 2016

In construction, some things change, some stay the same

In The Ten Books on Architecture (also know as De architectura), Vitruvius (1st Century BC) complains about construction cost over-runs:

In the famous and important Greek city of Ephesus there is said to be an ancient ancestral law, the terms of which are severe, but its justice is not inequitable. When an architect accepts the charge of a public work, he has to promise what the cost of it will be. His estimate is handed to the magistrate, and his property is pledged as security until the work is done. When it is finished, if the outlay agrees with his statement, he is complimented by decrees and marks of honour. If no more than a fourth has to be added to his estimate, it is furnished by the treasury and no penalty is inflicted. But when more than one fourth has to be spent in addition on the work, the money required to finish it is taken from his property.  

Would to God that this were also a law of the Roman people, not merely for public, but also for private buildings. For the ignorant would no longer run riot with impunity, but men who are well qualified by an exact scientific training would unquestionably adopt the profession of architecture. Gentlemen would not be misled into limitless and prodigal expenditure, even to ejectments from their estates, and the architects themselves could be forced, by fear of the penalty, to be more careful in calculating and stating the limit of expense, so that gentlemen would procure their buildings for that which they had expected, or by adding only a little more. It is true that men who can afford to devote four hundred thousand to a work may hold on, if they have to add another hundred thousand, from the pleasure which the hope of finishing it gives them; but if they are loaded with a fifty per cent increase, or with an even greater expense, they lose hope, sacrifice what they have already spent, and are compelled to leave off, broken in fortune and in spirit.
From the translation by Professor Morris H Morgan (1855-1910).

08 June 2016

New Vitruvian

For most of the twentieth century, architectural styles consisted of Modernism and Post Modernism.  Of course there were hangovers and hybrids from previous styles such as Arts & Crafts and Art Deco, and there were many variants such as Brutalism and Deconstructivism, but generally you can draw a line after WW1 and say 'This building is modern' (small m) or 'That building is old.'  Nobody is going to mistake a Baroque or Georgian or Victorian or Edwardian building for one built with the clean lines, curves and planes of the twentieth century.

St Pancras Railway Station (1868)
(Photo by Przsac)
Villa Savoye by Le Corbuiser (1931)
(Photo by Mary Anne Sullivan)
We could summarise Modernist and Post Modernist architecture as follows:
  1. Modernism - 'Form follows function.'
  2. Post Modernism - 'Function?  Who cares?' or perhaps 'The above, but with some decoration stuck on top.'

M2 Building by Kengo Kuma (1999)
(Photo by wiiii on Wikipedia)

This may sound harsh, because many architects still design in the post modern style (whether they admit it or not).  Post Modernism gives licence to designers to do pretty much whatever they want, which can be both good and bad.  Often it can leave the general public either in awe, or just deeply confused.  Here is a hotel I stayed at while in Abu Dhabi:

Hyatt Capital Gate (2010)
(Photo by FritzDaCat on Wikipedia)

Personally, I am generally 'in awe' of these sorts of buildings, but they can easily become a mess of awkward shapes and textures, aesthetically disjointed or with layouts that are impractical and inefficient.

Turning the clock a long way back, we come to Vitruvius (approx 80-70BC to 15AD).  He was an architect and engineer (civil and military) in the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus.  We know about him primarily because of his book De Architectura, which was a 'how-to' guide written for Caesar on the nuts and bolts of building design but also town planning, music, civil engineering machines etc.

He is sometimes called the 'father of architecture', but this is mainly because his book survived.  Today he would probably be called a civil engineer rather than an architect, and definitely regarded as a polymath.  

He talks of the ancients (the Greeks) as the creators of the three orders of classical architecture (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian - yes, I know, there were five, but the other two came much later), so there must have been many people thinking about and designing buildings before him.

From Wikipedia

Classical architecture has been revived and revived again over the centuries.  Its elements only really disappeared with Modernism, and then made fleeting token appearances in Post Modern architecture (e.g. the M2 Building above, or those hollow round columns adorning McMansions and malls everywhere - more set scenery than architecture).  

The book itself is quite prescriptive; on materials, layouts, proportions, spacing of columns etc.  In some ways it is like a Roman building code.

But underlying De Architectura is a design philosophy summarised in three words: firmitas, utilitas and venustas or stability, utility and beauty.  They have at their root reflection of the natural environment (people, animals, the seasons etc).  The columns in a temple were based on the proportions of a standing person, and some buildings even had statues for columns.  This was a common theme in the religious beliefs of the time, when there was a strong link between the gods and the terrestrial, rather than the more ethereal concepts in monotheism that followed.

There is was also no prioritisation of these three values, as in Modernism - If you make it strong and useful it will be beautiful (hopefully).  Or as in Post Modernism - Make it beautiful (or weird, your choice), leave the strength and utility to the engineers to handle.

Maybe it is time for a new architectural style, post- post-modern.  One that values strength, usefulness and aesthetics equally, and fully.  One that is also integrally linked to the environment.  A New Vitruvian style! 


05 June 2016

Today's fungi finds

The ducks are back, and follow me wherever I go...

...even while hunting for mushrooms (to look at, not to eat - I think most are poisonous.)