11 October 2013

Developer Builds Terraced Houses, Forgets Front Doors

For the last year or so I have watched the construction of three blocks of eight terraced houses take shape in Auckland's Millwater subdivision.  Nice, a bit of medium density development to deal with the housing shortage.

One block is now finished, one nearly done and the third is being framed up.   Every unit is the same, with a pleasant garden and a set of steps leading up to a... blank wall.

Now, I'm sure the designer had his or her reasons for this, but it's all a bit post-modern in a post-post-modern world for me.  Maybe the new owners enjoy their isolation.  The message is certainly "Don't knock on our front door - we don't have one!"

About Nothing in Particular and Everything in General

This blog is not about scuba diving or wet sand, or any sand for that matter but as I sit here listening to equinox winds howling outside and cold spring showers periodically sheeting horizontally against the building I wistfully think back to 2005 and somewhere a long way away.
The Republic of Maldives, where I worked for the government for six months, and in my leisure time scuba dived in warm, clear water (There is not a lot else to do in the Maldives).  This photo was taken by my dive buddy Rowan Duval, who insisted that I be his model on each dive.  I must have been the least photogenic dive model he's had, and I'm sure I never made it in to any of his magazine articles but it was a memorable experience and it provided a nice counterbalance to working on the densely populated island city of MalĂ© in the middle of the Indian Ocean.